I know it's been forever since I last updated this blog, but this is something I needed to rant about.
Jesus Camp (2006), a documentary following the lives of some fundamentalist families and their children while attending an evangelical camp, caused a something of a stir when it came out, and I wanted to see it then - but being that it wasn’t a movie theater release and wasn’t available in rental stores in the area I lived in then, I didn’t get the chance. Having finally gotten a hold of it recently, I had to wait until after the hustle of the Holiday and settling in back at home to watch it, and I have to admit, I felt weird watching it.
During the opening, following footage of a Christian political radio show, children in darkly colored face paint dance to thumping music, waving rods during a choreographed number. I could see how some might see the scene as a bit ominous - but having grown up attending musical events at my own church, I could see the other side of the situation as well. I was fine up until the point they showed a couple hundred kids, hands in the air as they reached for God, being cried to to open their mouths and start speaking in tongues. It was creepy to say the least.
Now, I don’t have an issue with people who speak in tongues - a Christian who speaks in tongues is told in the scriptures that the gift of tongues is a blessing and a sign of true faith. Tongues and convulsions as a result of spiritual ’God’ possession are phenomena that appear across cultural borders, both in some forms of Christianity and many instances of Voodoo or tribal witchcraft. What I have a problem with is Children - kids, immature human beings who have no perspective regarding spirituality - being pressured to accept radical ideologies without being given a choice or perspective.
Between school, work, personal projects and trying to keep track of friends and family I rarely have the time to really enjoy TV, much less keep up with series shows. However, having recently started browsing the movies section as well, I came across this peculiar gem.
Note these two posters for the same movie - in one the image overlaying the focal point (The character Ink holding the hand of the girl child Emma) is of a man and woman, apparently in bed, happy. In the other, ominous figures with glowing eyes stare down as though threatening attack.
In many ways these two posters, and the feelings they arouse, sum up the movie very well.
Ink (2009) is, to be completely blunt is just fantastic. According to imbd,
"No big studio picked up the film for theatrical and home distribution. Double Edge Films pitched the movie directly to independent cinemas and to the DVD, Blu-ray and online distribution by themselves. After the release it became the most downloaded movies in file sharing torrent sites more accurately 400,000 times in a single week and exposed the film to a large audience, leading to higher DVD and Blu-ray sales in return. The independent filmmakers wrote in their newsletter that they had "embraced the piracy" and are "happy Ink is getting unprecedented exposure." imbd page on the movie
This relatively low budget movie (as compared to James Cameron's Avatar at $237 million) with funding in the low/mid thousands gets every bang for its buck utilizing a talented cast, excellent writing and a sweet, often sad and yet energetic soundtrack which subtly steers the overall mood with effective strains and pacing. Attention to detail in both minor and major moments give an otherworldly sense to a familiar setting (work, home) in a very Neil Gaiman fashion.
The visual effects budget clearly went for the most part into the handful of delightfully choreographed fight scenes but despite leaving less for effects in other places (the latex application for Ink's face in particular is glaringly unrealistic) the overall combination lends itself beautifully to the world that the creators of this movie tried to spin into new life.
That is, our world - at least that of our dreams.
(The storytellers and Pathfinder (in the hoodie) searching for Emma)
The movie Ink centers on a small group of beings connected in strange, deep ways, all centering on the child Emma. Fighting for her soul are the Storytellers - beings that cannot be seen by those awake, and give us good dreams - as well as Incubi, disturbing creatures that plunge our sleeping minds into nightmares.
Ink, the title character, has taken Emma's soul from her body, and is attempting to bring it to the Incubi in order to gain entrance into their assembly and become an Incubus himself. In the process, however, Lieve (Jessica Duffy) - one of the more warrior-like and respected of the Storytellers - becomes involved, and while following to assure Emma's safety, continues to remind Ink he still has a choice. In the meanwhile, another group of Storytellers and a pathfinder (beings who sense the flow of cause and effect as song) try to locate them, while in the waking world Emma's distant father copes with his daughter falling into coma as well as major business decisions that may give him everything he's ever wanted in a career, unaware that he too is of key interest to the Incubi.
Full of action, whimsy, good acting and a wonderful plot twist, this is 102 minutes of quality fantasy you won't want to miss. A movie with a hear felt moral and a skillful execution, Ink is easily one of the best, most underrated and unheralded movies of 2009.
Basically, the collective human ability to project/sense future events has been found to cause spikes right before events that caused global reactions, such as Princess Di's death, or 9/11. More on how it works at the site above.
Screw the national alert color scale, this is one paranoid insomniac who's going to go by the collective subconscious of the human race. 6,602,224,175+ people can't be wrong, right?
Insomniacs, every one of you - News
It has recently come to my attention that the links in my blog don't work correctly for everyone. I'm doing my best to fix this issue. Sorry for the inconvenience.
INTRODUCTION TO THE CHANT Webster's American English Dictionary defines insomnia as the inability to sleep - to someone like me, it defines any form of life in which sleep is not the current state.
I'll be the first to admit the flawed reasoning and laziness of preferring dreams to reality, but every waking moment is, by my consideration, insomnia. (After all, if you discovered the ability to dream every time you slept, much less control those dreams and remember them, wouldn't you want to spend more time there as well...?)
Welcome, insomniacs one and all - I hope that, if nothing else, this blog will help pass a little more of the time until sleep comes to you again.