Friday, January 25, 2008


Hello, wanderer

Welcome to the dreamless state. This is what some would call my “hello world!” post - space filler so that my brand-new blog doesn’t look empty and unkempt.

Still, I am brand-new to the blogging game (could it really be called a game? What are the prizes, then? And how does one win?) so excuse me if I ramble a bit. I promise that future posts will have a little more substance - substance being defined as, at the very least, a slightly more entertaining way of killing time.

A little about me - I am female. I will not be posting my age or location, because I am a paranoid female - thus the blog’s title (well, that and I am a Stephen King fan, so hats off to my favorite author). I will also not be posting images of my face. I do this because, fair reader, unlike any other public forum - a shopping center, the street, the coffee shop where a man with dark hair watches me carefully - if you were to look at my face or hear my voice, I might have the chance to do the same, and easily know you were seeing me. In a situation like this, there is very little probability that I’ll ever see your face or know you’ve seen mine. I know, I know - it’s an irrational fear. Countless people see my face every day, and I’ll never know who they are, where they go, or what they do with their waking hours. Yet - there is an appeal to the anonymity of the blog, which I’m sure you understand.

In addition to owner-ship of working ovaries, I thoroughly enjoy dreaming. I’m not one of those new-age types who believes in astral-projection or the like, but I have had some amazing experiences concerning REM sleep. I have found myself lucky enough to have vivid dreams nearly every night, and in most dreams, control of my actions and even the environment around me. So, be forewarned, upcoming posts may be focused completely on odd dreams that I’d like to record or dream related studies I may find online - I have a great love of dreams and dreaming in general.

The last thing I will say here is that I’m very fond of all sorts of art - musical, digital, physical - myself, I love sketching, painting, ect: I also dabble in digital art. In addittion, I enjoy creating puppets and recently became interested in small scale sculpture and jointed-doll making (photos hopefully to come soon). So, excuse me if some of my posts become cluttered with images of what I may be working on, or something that I have seen recently.
All in all, I’d just like to thank you for taking the time to read this n008’5 post, and hope you’ll return again some time soon to pass the waking hours.

As an added goodie, here is a short-film adaptation of one of my favorite poems - by Mr. King - Paranoid: A chant.

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